1.? The school has been funding for students to participate in different types of activities, but this year, since the lack of money, the school will fund one activity, which one do you think is the one the school should fund: sports, arts and volunteering.
① 投资体育设施(the investment in sports facilities)能够不仅给学生还给教职工(not only students but faculty)提供使用各种设施的便利(easy access to various activities),这对于处于压力下的(under huge pressure)的学生和老师来说是一个非常方便的放松机会。
② 体育馆的修建可以给学生更好的训练环境,如果学生能够参加相关比赛并取得不错的成绩,都是学校的荣誉,同时学校也有机会去承办一些体育活动(hold sports events),这样对于学校提升自己知名度(increase its popularity),可以吸引到更多投资或好的学生;
③ 所修建的体育设施可以对外开放,服务附近的居民,因此可以作为另一种谋利方式(can be regarded as a way to make extra profit),更可以缓解学习的经济负担(relieve the school's financial burden)。
2. Do you agree or disagree: In the past, people were more friendly than they are today.
① 过去人们交流更频繁。(People in the past were more accessible and communicated more frequently.) 现代建筑和科技阻隔了人与人之间的沟通,人们因此更加不了解。可以举例说现在和几十年前人居所的不同。
② 现在的人们更关心经济利益。在过去,人们会更关心对方。(Human beings used to be more caring about others than about economic profit.) 现在社会越来越物质化(materialistic),把追求利益放在首位,所以不会去考虑对待别人的态度。
③ 过去人们更信任别人。(People in the past have more trust for others.)媒体中播报出的犯罪案件越来越多,人们潜意识(sub-consciously)里就不相信其他人,也没办法进行友好地交流。
3. Many university students are encouraged to study in those majors, which have an increase of job growth (more needed in the job market) like Science, Technology, Engineering, Math. What are your opinion about to choose those majors instead of what they are interested in?
① Interest can help students achieve greater success in their area. 解释:当一个人的专业是其兴趣与未来职业规划的结合体时(a combination of interest and future career plan),这无疑会促使一个人去花比别人更多的时间和努力去钻研自己的专业,那么即便这个专业不是one of the hottest major,学生仍有可能在该领域内获得很好的发展。并且这个学生会因为能够自己感兴趣的事情而感到快乐。(对比论证),相反情况,被迫使选择自己不感兴趣的专业,那么学生很可能一味地很纠结苦恼,并且无法完全沉浸在学习中。*终,即便这些学生学则的时hot major,但不能用心学习,不能在该领域去努力钻也,同样时无法得到好的未来发展的,并且不快乐。
② If students choose their interested majors by heart, the social competition tends to be naturally balanced. 解释:如果每个人都一味的去追逐所谓的热门专业,那么该领域的竞争必然会急剧加大(the competition in this major or area must increase dramatically)。这样发展下去(If so,),即便这是个社会需求量大的专业,也会因为人才过多而变得很难找到工作(even if it is a major in demand, it will become highly difficult for graduates to find job due to the superabundant job seekers)。
③ 让步:虽然说choosing a hot major seems guarantee a student a more stable future career development, which can be understood that the student might at least find a job for a (*起码能找到一份谋生的工作). Nonetheless, 个人兴趣对于未来发展的不可忽视的影响(The unignorable influence of personal interest on future development),以及社会大环境的不断变化都应该被更多的考虑在大学专业的选择中。
4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Your job has a large effect on your overall happiness than social life does.
解题思路:不同意,social life影响更大
① Social life involves more kinds and forms of activities and more aspects of personal life。 解释:工作只是个人生活的一个组成元素,往往*主要目的是为了生存。而social life会涉及到生活的方方面面(every aspect of life),并且有形式多样的活动(various activities,banquets, parties, clubs, trips, games等等)。
② Social life中我们可以更放松。解释:工作中需要follow so many strict rules and regulations, 而social life可以自由表达自己的个性(personality),更容易让我们开心。
③ Social life可以让我们得到真正的情感(real relationships),比如友情、爱情。解释:工作中我们面对的只是同事和客户(colleagues and clients),who mainly have interest relation with each other。而在social life中,各类活动能够帮助对别人有更深入的接触和了解,找到志同道合的朋友(/ like-minded ),甚至是灵魂的伴侣(soul mate)。
5. It is a waste of money for governments to fund space travel and space exploration.
① 政府应该把钱投在教育上,因为这不仅符合大多数人的利益,而且可以为国家发展培养人才。(Government should spend money on education, because this practice not only conforms to the interests of the majorities but also cultivate various talents for the successful development of our country.)解释论证:首先肯定教育的重要性(The importance of education to the development of a nation can never be exaggerated.)投资在教育(investing in education)以此来为国家培养人才,才是国家未来得以发展的保障。
② 政府应该把钱投在经济上,因为经济的发展可以提高全民的生活水平,也可以提升国家的政治地位。(Secondly, government should invest money in economic development, since the boom of economy will improve the standard of the public as well as the raise the political status in the world.)对比论证:相比于把钱投入在太空旅游和太空探险,政府更应该把钱投入在经济发展上,这比投入在太空旅游上更重要。
因果论证:因为经济发展可以带来人们生活水平的提高(improve the standard of the public),从而能让人们感到幸福,并且能够确保社会稳定(social stability),同时经济得以发展也能够提升国家在国际社会上的政治地位。
③ 让步段:不可否认,虽然投资发展太空旅游和太空探索有许多好处,诸如能够为我们需找新能源或是为人类找寻一个更适合居住的住所,但是相比于我们的观点,这些优势看似暗淡。(Admittedly, there are certain benefits of investing money in space exploration, such as developing new energy source and even finding an alternative home for human beings. However, compared with the reasons provided for our viewpoint, these advantages seem lackluster.)政府应该把投资放在解决更为紧迫的问题上。(Governmental investment should be devoted to solving more pressing issues such as education and economy.)
6. Do you agree or disagree the most effective way for governments to encourage energy
1.? The school has been funding for students to participate in different types of activities, but this year, since the lack of money, the school will fund one activity, which one do you think is the one the school should fund: sports, arts and volunteering.
① 投资体育设施(the investment in sports facilities)能够不仅给学生还给教职工(not only students but faculty)提供使用各种设施的便利(easy access to various activities),这对于处于压力下的(under huge pressure)的学生和老师来说是一个非常方便的放松机会。
② 体育馆的修建可以给学生更好的训练环境,如果学生能够参加相关比赛并取得不错的成绩,都是学校的荣誉,同时学校也有机会去承办一些体育活动(hold sports events),这样对于学校提升自己知名度(increase its popularity),可以吸引到更多投资或好的学生;
③ 所修建的体育设施可以对外开放,服务附近的居民,因此可以作为另一种谋利方式(can be regarded as a way to make extra profit),更可以缓解学习的经济负担(relieve the school's financial burden)。
2. Do you agree or disagree: In the past, people were more friendly than they are today.
① 过去人们交流更频繁。(People in the past were more accessible and communicated more frequently.) 现代建筑和科技阻隔了人与人之间的沟通,人们因此更加不了解。可以举例说现在和几十年前人居所的不同。
② 现在的人们更关心经济利益。在过去,人们会更关心对方。(Human beings used to be more caring about others than about economic profit.) 现在社会越来越物质化(materialistic),把追求利益放在首位,所以不会去考虑对待别人的态度。
③ 过去人们更信任别人。(People in the past have more trust for others.)媒体中播报出的犯罪案件越来越多,人们潜意识(sub-consciously)里就不相信其他人,也没办法进行友好地交流。
3. Many university students are encouraged to study in those majors, which have an increase of job growth (more needed in the job market) like Science, Technology, Engineering, Math. What are your opinion about to choose those majors instead of what they are interested in?
① Interest can help students achieve greater success in their area. 解释:当一个人的专业是其兴趣与未来职业规划的结合体时(a combination of interest and future career plan),这无疑会促使一个人去花比别人更多的时间和努力去钻研自己的专业,那么即便这个专业不是one of the hottest major,学生仍有可能在该领域内获得很好的发展。并且这个学生会因为能够自己感兴趣的事情而感到快乐。(对比论证),相反情况,被迫使选择自己不感兴趣的专业,那么学生很可能一味地很纠结苦恼,并且无法完全沉浸在学习中。*终,即便这些学生学则的时hot major,但不能用心学习,不能在该领域去努力钻也,同样时无法得到好的未来发展的,并且不快乐。
② If students choose their interested majors by heart, the social competition tends to be naturally balanced. 解释:如果每个人都一味的去追逐所谓的热门专业,那么该领域的竞争必然会急剧加大(the competition in this major or area must increase dramatically)。这样发展下去(If so,),即便这是个社会需求量大的专业,也会因为人才过多而变得很难找到工作(even if it is a major in demand, it will become highly difficult for graduates to find job due to the superabundant job seekers)。
③ 让步:虽然说choosing a hot major seems guarantee a student a more stable future career development, which can be understood that the student might at least find a job for a (*起码能找到一份谋生的工作). Nonetheless, 个人兴趣对于未来发展的不可忽视的影响(The unignorable influence of personal interest on future development),以及社会大环境的不断变化都应该被更多的考虑在大学专业的选择中。
4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Your job has a large effect on your overall happiness than social life does.
解题思路:不同意,social life影响更大
① Social life involves more kinds and forms of activities and more aspects of personal life。 解释:工作只是个人生活的一个组成元素,往往*主要目的是为了生存。而social life会涉及到生活的方方面面(every aspect of life),并且有形式多样的活动(various activities,banquets, parties, clubs, trips, games等等)。
② Social life中我们可以更放松。解释:工作中需要follow so many strict rules and regulations, 而social life可以自由表达自己的个性(personality),更容易让我们开心。
③ Social life可以让我们得到真正的情感(real relationships),比如友情、爱情。解释:工作中我们面对的只是同事和客户(colleagues and clients),who mainly have interest relation with each other。而在social life中,各类活动能够帮助对别人有更深入的接触和了解,找到志同道合的朋友(/ like-minded ),甚至是灵魂的伴侣(soul mate)。
5. It is a waste of money for governments to fund space travel and space exploration.
① 政府应该把钱投在教育上,因为这不仅符合大多数人的利益,而且可以为国家发展培养人才。(Government should spend money on education, because this practice not only conforms to the interests of the majorities but also cultivate various talents for the successful development of our country.)解释论证:首先肯定教育的重要性(The importance of education to the development of a nation can never be exaggerated.)投资在教育(investing in education)以此来为国家培养人才,才是国家未来得以发展的保障。
② 政府应该把钱投在经济上,因为经济的发展可以提高全民的生活水平,也可以提升国家的政治地位。(Secondly, government should invest money in economic development, since the boom of economy will improve the standard of the public as well as the raise the political status in the world.)对比论证:相比于把钱投入在太空旅游和太空探险,政府更应该把钱投入在经济发展上,这比投入在太空旅游上更重要。
因果论证:因为经济发展可以带来人们生活水平的提高(improve the standard of the public),从而能让人们感到幸福,并且能够确保社会稳定(social stability),同时经济得以发展也能够提升国家在国际社会上的政治地位。
③ 让步段:不可否认,虽然投资发展太空旅游和太空探索有许多好处,诸如能够为我们需找新能源或是为人类找寻一个更适合居住的住所,但是相比于我们的观点,这些优势看似暗淡。(Admittedly, there are certain benefits of investing money in space exploration, such as developing new energy source and even finding an alternative home for human beings. However, compared with the reasons provided for our viewpoint, these advantages seem lackluster.)政府应该把投资放在解决更为紧迫的问题上。(Governmental investment should be devoted to solving more pressing issues such as education and economy.)
6. Do you agree or disagree the most effective way for governments to encourage energy
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