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2021/10/7 9:42:30 浏览498来自未知

Task?‌‌ 1:

Some people prefer to take part in some risk-taking activities, like climbing and skydiving, while some people think taking part in this kind of activities is foolish, instead of being brave. What about you? Please use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

Task 2:


The student proposed that the university should open computer repair center till 9.00 p.m..

Point 1: be helpful for students who work on assignments at night time, if something wrong with their laptops;

Point 2: it’s not difficult to find employees to work in this shift.

听力:【学生态度】---Women: agree

Reason 1: it’s really helpful

Many students are used to working on assignments in the evening before the due; there may be something wrong with their laptops, it’s terrible if they cannot fix their laptops in time. Just like the woman, last semester, when she worked on her paper before the due, her laptop crashed suddenly and didn’t work. She couldn’t fix it but to wait because the repair center closed. Finally, she got a lower grade because of the late submission.

Reason 2: this idea is good for science major students.

They are willing to do such a job because they cannot find other jobs during the night shift time. Plus, it’s a good chance for them to do something related to their major. This kind of experience is good for their future career.

Task 3:

阅读:【名词解释】---Biology: recruitment

One insect or more insect will create a signal, then other insects in the group will follow this signal to move to a place they should be and work together.


Fire ants live in a group with thousands of member. Some of them have a special job—walking outside nest and find food. Say, one ant goes out and finds a piece of fruit, but it’s too big for him to carry. Then the ant leaves the fruit and goes back to nest, leaving a certain kind of chemicals on the road, like a chemical trail. Other ants can follow this trail and find the fruit, then they carry it together to their nest.

Task 4:


Two types of internal factors that will prevent business from doing well.

[Point 1]: physical forces, like equipment and machines

[E.g.]: in a supermarket, its cash registering machines are too old, so customers need to line up for a long period, which may make them annoying. They won’t return to this supermarket again.

[Point 2]: lack of employee training

[E.g.]: the supermarket, when customers want to find a certain product and ask employees for help, but they don’t know the exact location of products, and lead to wrong location. Then customers will feel angry and leave the market without buying anything.


独立题:Task 1属于倾向性选择题,关于运动,难度不大,考生答题时可选用一些“万金油式”理由,注意合理安排答题时间。

综合题:Task 2是学生提出的建议,较为常规,答题时注意获取听力细节,尤其是女生补充的例子;Task 3是高频的生物学,听力讲述时为一般现在时,考生答题时难度会降低;Task 4,商业,属于常规话题,难度不大,答题时注意合理安排答题时间,保证答案完整性。


独立题: 预计下一场考试,Task 1倾向性选择题的可能性较大,备考时需尤其注重工作类话题的练习;另,强烈建议考生在考前就独立口语机经展开相应练习,并严格按照固定时间安排,以免考试时因为准备时间过短(15s)而过于慌张。

综合题: 校园场景,难度不大,但是练习时需尤其注意听力细节的把握;另,*近对话中对阅读信息表示赞成出现的频率略高,考生可结合TPO相应练习进行体验;学术题仍是以心理学、生物学和商业为主,但是其他的一些低频学科也要有所涉及
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